Erin Gilbert Erin Gilbert

How Reiki Energy Work WORKS

Reiki practitioners who are very tuned in can sense the subtle difference in vibration and interpret for you what the nature of the energies are that you’re holding onto. Then they assist you in releasing them.

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Open heart centered living Erin Gilbert Open heart centered living Erin Gilbert

Press Release

REiCOVERY Reiki Receives 2024 Madison Award

Madison Award Program Honors the Achievement

MADISON March 8, 2024 -- REiCOVERY Reiki has been selected for the 2024 Madison Award in the Alternative Medicine Practitioner category by the Madison Award Program.

Each year, the Madison Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Madison area a great place to live, work and play.

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Erin Gilbert Erin Gilbert

Gaining Greater Abundance

This topic is limitless, as is the abundance possible in each lifetime (at least that’s what we’re told in many spiritual communities). Do you ever have a little trouble with that thought? It doesn’t sit well with me when my county, alone, sees 150 newly homeless people each day. Not to mention the starvation we see all over the world. My own story is that through the disciplined practice of these principles I’ve known abundance in love and health. The prevailing principle was LOVE.

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Erin Gilbert Erin Gilbert

Aligning with Your Authentic Self

What does it really MEAN to be your authentic self? Are we looking to throw all decorum out the window and just follow every impulse that comes up “authentically” within us? No, in fact living authentically will probably take some discipline. But it all starts with awareness.

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Erin Gilbert Erin Gilbert

Overcoming Negative Self Talk

We all have an inner critic, though some seem to be louder and more powerful than others. The more we listen to that critical voice, the more powerful it becomes. In order to regain our power we can start with building AWARENESS during a day-long project.

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