
Leila M.


When I arrived at my first session with Erin I instantly felt welcome as she has such a calming presence. Erin was able to unblock one of my chakras, I could instantly feel a difference. When I left my session, I felt so light, like a heaviness had been lifted off. I also had a second session with Erin in which was a mediumship reading. My deceased father and sister came through for the reading. The reading was so accurate, I cried for the simple fact that I knew she had made contact with my father and sister as the information she was telling me was stuff that nobody knew. Hands down, the best reading I have ever had. Erin has a pure and gentle soul and made me feel at ease the minute I met her. Erin, Thank you for sharing your gift with me. I knew I was led to you for a reason. You are amazing. I look forward to having future sessions with you.

Abby H.


I had my first session with Erin yesterday and already I've broken through blocks that had held me back for months! She is truly remarkable at her work and I cannot recommend her highly enough. I am excitedly looking forward to what happens in our next session.

Renee C.

Cardiology Assistant

I believe I have not betrayed my beliefs and faith in God when I had a reading by Erin. I came to her very troubled and in a very dark place. After my reading I know now and with the help of God that I’m going to be OK. I believe Erin has got a gift and with the validations that she told me I am at peace. I would recommend a reading by Erin for whoever thinks they need a little bit of extra help. Thank you Erin for the gift that you’re willing to share.

Talia B.


Erin knows her craft. She helped me to clear and re-center myself in two calls more than some other mentorship that’s lasted months. She is so connected and attuned when you’re with her it’s like she’s known you your whole life - in a comforting way. She will be honest with you and tell you what you need to hear to move through whatever is clouding you. Also her voice and presence are very soothing.

Crystal K.

Business Owner

This is much more than a reiki healing! Yes, Erin is a masterful reiki healer with decades of experience—she is also a channeler who can intuit exactly what’s REALLY going on and how to deeply heal. And that’s just the beginning! She also shares profound insight that helped me get clarity on how to move forward with ease and grace and certainty.
When I went into our session I had been experiencing irritable bowels and low back pain for at least 6 months. Erin helped me get clarity in which foods would be best to avoid and which are fine in moderation. She then removed some funky energy in my gut area. And to my shock—even before I started eating better!—the next day my gut felt 1000% times better! I’m very grateful for the relief and clarity in how to move forward!
Erin is the real deal—not only as a healer—but as a big-hearted person who lives in alignment with her values and who is full of love. If you are considering working with her—do not hesitate! It is an invaluable investment in your wellbeing and you will get exactly what you need to deepen your healing.
Erin also helped me deepen my relationship with my spirit guide—which is having a major impact on my life and spiritual practice. She helped me see what I was blind to in my spiritual work and what would be wise to focus on right now. In short, her spiritual guidance has been invaluable and I’ve very grateful for the insight and clarity. If you are looking for guidance—I highly recommend Erin!

Ceci T.


I had 3 sessions with Erin, 1x session a week over the phone that started about a month ago and I highly recommend it. I have had anxiety and it elevated this year where it felt I’m on survival mode daily. She felt this strongly right away during our first session. She was direct and she allowed me to talk it through. She really listens and reflects to me resonating messages that help me open my eyes, mind, and eventually my heart to let the energy go that no longer serves me. I finally feel more hopeful and determined to believe in myself more strongly than in a long time. She gathers notes during our session and sends them to me so I can reflect on it and do targeted exercises fit for my needs (meditation, visualization, mantra, etc). Thank you Erin also for checking in on me once in a while :).

Jeremiah E.

Recovery Specialist

Working with Erin was such a wonderful experience. I recently lost my mother, and Erin was so helpful in helping me re-connect with her in a new way. Our session really helped me with my own grieving process & helped connect the dots & offered a new perspective in healing my own core wound/gift. Thank You, Erin.

Sarah M.


Erin was so helpful in showing me all my points of emotional and physical pain! She was also so patient and so kind. Her presence feels so safe. Would definitely recommend her to EVERYONE!

M.Ac., L.Ac., FT.

Randi S.

After sessions with Erin, I was completely blown away. I left feeling as though I had an amazing connection/conversation with my ancestors, an energy clearing and a mediumship course on how to connect with my guides all in one. Erin was so easy to talk to, I instantly felt safe and trusted her. The level of specificity about things that Erin shared with me really showed her authenticity. She brought me messages from my grandmother that only my grandmother would have known to say - honestly, details that were undeniable! I am 100% confident that she connected to my grandmother. Erin is a delight to work with. She even followed up with some extra details that came through for her after our session. I can’t wait to work with Erin again in the future! Thank you Erin for this gift of not only reconnecting with my grandmother and resolving some deep ancestral issues, but also helping me to create some energetic boundaries and to reconnect with some of the skills and abilities that I felt I had lost years ago in regard to connecting with my spirit guides!

Donna W.

A treatment from Erin brought my mental/emotional body peace within minutes. I felt grounded and whole and able to think clearly. What a relief! Erin is a skillful Reiki practitioner. I am grateful for her intervention.

Retired Teacher