alternative wellness practitioner healing through the light

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

-Nikola Tesla

About Erin

RP III, RMT, Evidential Medium, HeartMath® Certified Mentor

I'd like to tell you a little bit about what qualifies me to work with you on your journey toward wellness & abundance.

I am a second-generation Reiki Master and Psychic Medium. I’ve been a Reiki Master Practitioner since 2000, attuned to Mastery level in distance Reiki RPIII and Reiki Mastery teaching RMT. I hold over 6,500 hours of professional practice in Reiki blended with Mediumship. I’ve long felt a profound calling to facilitate both growth and maintenance in the lives of all who seek something healthier, something higher. From my formal education and professional background in Human Development and Psychology, to my intense self-work through various healing modalities, my skill for assisting others in their personal evolution has become well refined. I am deeply rooted in understanding the Physics & Physiology of energy work, and welcome client questions about how healing through these channels can be possible. My certification from the HeartMath® Institute brings a more tangible, science-backed approach to energy work, for clients who feel more comfortable with evidence-based approaches. Please find my credentials listed below & reach out for a free phone consultation or email inquiry - no strings attached.

My Story

As a highly sensitive intuitive empath, it has been my life path to trudge through (and overcome) severely painful things. My deepest knowing tells me that I had to endure these challenging events so that I could more completely understand suffering and hardship and help others in the most profound and extraordinary ways.

I’ve been able to communicate with Spirit my entire life, my earliest memory of Psychic abilities going back to age 6 when I could see, hear, & know things most people could not quite explain. It has always been a profound gift of mine but was also a burden until I learned how to manage it. Everything comes through as energy to me, so my clients gain all the benefits of healing energy along with guidance from other realms.

My first experience as a recipient of Reiki healing came when I was just 20 years old. At the time, I didn’t know what to expect - I thought it would be like a body massage. Instead, I had a very emotional experience as I was catapulted into processing a child-hood trauma and frankly, I was PISSED! In no way had I expected to return to that turbulent time of emotional upheaval. What resulted was a rebirthing which led me to my spiritual awakening. Wow. I have found that the awakening process evolves over time and has many levels of pain and progress as the unhealed-self is uncovered and resolved and we become more resonant with the light which exists within us all. It is my joy to be able to assist others in their awakening, at whatever level they find themselves. Yes, healing is a process, and yes, it can bring up pain. However the relaxation and inner peace which Reiki brings into the journey is invaluable.

I have a distinct ability to assist people in processing deep traumas and to uncover seemingly hidden issues that manifest as physical illness or pain and suffering of any type. I offer you a warmth and compassion that will help you feel instantly comforted as we walk through this together.

My work as a Psychic Medium is rooted in the natural abilities I’ve had my whole life. I’ve developed those unique gifts, initially so that I could manage them for myself, and over time so that I could use them to benefit others. It is a tremendous honor to be able to connect people with loved ones who have passed and I bring an unparalleled level of integrity and respect to this work. When my son died tragically I was awakened to another level of communication with Source energy and anyone who has passed. My own Reiki Master helped me through this grief and, though grief persists, I’ve seen through this practice that my life has turned into pure bliss.

I’ve helped hundreds of clients eliminate blocks that were holding them back from living fully as their authentic selves. If you’re looking for inner peace, better health, sustainable abundance (or of course, love) the tools I share with you will help. I am trained in a multitude of practices and I bring all those abilities into each session. As a tenured Mentor, Coach, and Teacher, I prepare my clients with everything I can offer for continued self-work. What this means for you is that each session with me will last beyond our hour together and become a resource you can draw upon anytime you reach for it.

Let’s work together to unlock the benefits of receiving and channeling Universal Life Force Energy.

We all have access to it and my work is to assist you in finding your connection.

Certifications & Awards

Erin has practiced professionally for 23 years and was born into this work

as a second-generation Reiki-Intuitive Healer & Psychic Medium.  

Erin is a HeartMath® Certified Mentor, Evidential Medium,

Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher since 2000.

Erin also holds over 6,500 hours of professional practice, 

a BS in Psychology & an AA in Human Development.

Certified at the Mastery level in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Reiki Healing 

The Center For Sacred Living, Ann Arbor, MI 2000 - present

Winner of the Achievement in Mentoring Leadership Award

Darrell H. Cooper Endowed Chair in Leadership, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 2012

Honorable member of The International Association of Reiki Professionals

Ann Arbor, MI 2012 - present

Certified in Suzanne Giesemann’s Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship program 

Long Beach, CA 2020 - present

Recipient of’s Neighborhood Favorite Award

Madison, WI 2022 & 2023 

HeartMath® Certified Mentor 

Madison, WI 2023 - present

Recipient of the Madison Award

Best Alternative Medicine Practitioner

Madison, WI 2023 & 2024