Abundance Mindset. How the Law of Attraction Manifested in My Life.

I’ve made it my minute-to-minute JOB to follow my bliss. I am putting all my faith in the abundance mindset and I want to tell you about how it’s showing up in my life. 

So how does the “job” of following my bliss provide for my physical needs and well being? Many of my clients ask this question. They say they’d like to just follow their bliss but can’t conceive of how they’d eat..have a place to live...gas for the car... 

The answer is that we follow bliss like a trail of breadcrumbs. Initially we do one simple joyful act at a time. We BUILD on this. Each small, blissful action opens us up and teaches us HOW to feel our way through and eventually reach for bigger bliss. We let go of anticipating what the outcome will be. I like this quote from my Dad, “Beware - destination addiction”. We refrain from telling ourselves “I’ll be happy when” and instead we feel happy now and the outcome of a happy life follows. When presented with a choice we choose the most joy-producing option. This is the vortex of following our bliss and we stay in the vortex. When we focus on FEELING the happy feeling, happy lifestyles follow.

I began doing this in September 2019. It started with a daily walk around my local Arboretum. That was the joyful thing I began to choose instead of watching Netflix. That gave me the flavor of what bliss felt like for me. Within a year and half my blissful breadcrumbs developed into leaving my corporate career and taking my part time Reiki practice full time. Back in September 2019 I didn’t have that course of action. So you see, I could not have anticipated the outcome. If you’d asked me back then what destination I desired so I could eat..have a place to live… get gas for the car... I would’ve said I wanted to be salesperson of the year for the corporate monster who employed me. 

If I’d stayed attached to that outcome I would have found no bliss. No joy. 

YOU have to become the innovative visionary for your own life and you can’t get there from a place of lack. Henry Ford said that if he’d asked people what would make their lives better they’d have wanted faster horses. Only he knew that inventing the automobile would be a better solution. You cannot adequately dream up better solutions for your life from lack of abundance - you must first elevate by blissing out and the vision will unfold from there.

So we flip our view from being destination addicted to following the little happy moments and finding where they lead us.

Upon reflection I notice the biggest difference aside from leaving Corporate Life is that my mindset now assures me that even if I'm kayaking or making dinner for like-minded people I am WORKING. Even in those seemingly non-productive moments I’m at ease knowing I am putting in work to grow my business. My work is reflecting joy and feeling abundant. My work is knowing that feeling joy will net me abundance.

This is staying in the vortex of following my bliss.

It takes self love to stay in the vortex. And developing self love takes ACTION. 

This will feel uncomfortable at first but work with me here ;-)

Take stock of what you have. Ask yourself objectively, what are your 5 most valuable assets? Perhaps you’ll have to reframe some of your qualities in order to find the value. An example might be rather than thinking you’re stubborn, reframe to realize you have a powerful courage of conviction. That’s a valuable asset!

If it’s difficult to come up with a full list, ask yourself what the person who loves you most would say. Perhaps your Mother would describe you as kind, with nice eyes and a generally self-less nature. Those are valuable assets!

Now here’s the really awkward part - look in the mirror. If this is hard to do without becoming critical or giggling your head off, look only into your eyes. Gaze into them. Find your SOUL in them. Repeat your list of valuable assets. I am kind, with nice eyes and a generally self-less nature. I have a powerful courage of conviction and I always follow through with what I believe is right. I love you. I love you. I love you. 

Feel your heart physically expand. You’re going to learn the feeling of this heart-expansion and begin to live there. It will be your guide to the abundance mindset - it will show you which choices to make in each moment.

Do you see why this is vital to following your bliss? A person who realizes they are powerful, courageous, and full of conviction has a 90% better chance of pursuing something blissful than a person who identifies as stubborn. This is a subtle but crucial distinction. 

Now to follow your bliss here’s the execution: 

  1. Have a specific question

  2. Ask the question

  3. Write down every answer that comes to your mind

  4. Read them back to yourself slowly

  5. Your heart will physically expand (you will feel it! Even if it’s subtle) when it’s a YES

  6. It will physically contract when it’s a NO

  7. You have to be willing to listen and do whatever your heart says

  8. Choose the answer that felt most expansive in your chest


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