Gaining Greater Abundance

This topic is limitless, as is the abundance possible in each lifetime (at least that’s what we’re told in many spiritual communities). Do you ever have a little trouble with that thought? It doesn’t sit well with me when my county alone, sees 150 newly homeless people each day. Not to mention the starvation we see all over the world. There is an imbalance to the spread of abundance and I have my beliefs as to WHY this is. But that has to do with human interference and not with my understanding of the sacred laws which give us abundance. So the sacred, universal principles and their manifestation in my own life are what I’ll focus on today, while keeping in my heart and in my best intentions for any help I can provide, those who have been put upon. 

When we talk about abundance from the universe it is not necessarily about money or possessions. It is about finding deep gratitude for the abundance which already exists all around us. We have an abundance of sky, an abundance of air. There is an abundance of love in our world, and an abundance of joy when we choose to look for it. My own story is that through the disciplined practice of these principles I’ve known abundance in love and health. The prevailing principle was LOVE. 

There was at least a decade that I coped with the loss of a marriage, surgery to cut out cancer, and relied on public assistance for health care, food stamps, and subsidized housing (even though I worked two jobs). I taught Pre-school full time so that I could keep my son with me each day and I put myself through college in the evenings. I was a single mom with no child support. It’s profoundly possible that a correlation exists between that period of struggle and my son’s ultimate untimely death. This pretty bleak picture was my reality and while I could scarcely wrap my head around how that had become my life I found radical acceptance for it. And then I went within to examine WHY and HOW this reality had unfolded for me.

It took another decade for love, health and stability to turn around for me and this is how I did it:

I learned to love myself. 

I worked with my Reiki Master for years to peel back all the icky layers that my inner demons hid beneath and I found my divine inner self. First I learned to love her as a little child, then as a teen, then as me. Me that day. Me every day.

I gave up believing in the limited version of myself. I committed myself to the new, empowered version I had come to believe I WAS. And everything began to change.

The limitations first began to remove themselves from my thoughts, then from my reality. 

I stood taller and learned to create healthy boundaries for myself around what is righteously correct to expect from love. I built up my endurance so I could not just walk but run because I began to care about the body that my soul was inside of. I carried myself like the powerhouse that I am and allowed myself to bliss out in the dreams of what my financial health could look like. 

What the Universe carried to me became a reflection of how I’d begun to carry myself.  

The taller I stood the more abundance I could reach - like the ripest fruit at the tops of every tree around me.

Let’s start a discussion in the comments about HOW to do this work for yourself and we’ll begin to develop the next part of this abundance series together.


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Aligning with Your Authentic Self