How Reiki Energy Work WORKS

Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” 

Reiki energy work is founded on precisely these universal forces. It works with the Life Force Energy inside us all.

There is energy in everything?


Imagine this; if we sat across a room from one another, each with a G# tuning fork, what would happen to your fork when I strike mine and we hear its’ tone?

Your tuning fork would vibrate as well.


Because by striking my tuning fork I have created a vibration. The vibration has created energy, in the form of a sound wave, which quickly travels across the room. The frequency of my G# tuning fork resonates with the G# frequency of your tuning fork and creates a reaction.

We have energy with specific vibrations and frequencies inside us, too. 

The energy within us is our Life Force, created by electrical activity in the heart, brain, and nervous system. 

  • Electrical activity in the heart helps blood be pumped through our body’s circulation system. 

  • Electrical impulses in the brain facilitates communication between brain cells. They’re active all the time, even during sleep.

  • Neurons generate and transmit electrical activity in the nervous system and are the primary functional units of the nervous system.

These vital systems work together and contribute to our ability to think and feel. Every thought we have in our minds or emotion we have in our hearts creates an energy within us. Those energies can become blocked or stored in our bodies.

Think of a time when you felt very stressed or upset and you “shoved it down”. Do you know that feeling? 

What are you shoving down? The energy of thoughts and emotions. When we “shove it down” we create the energetic blocks I mentioned above. Those energy blocks are typically found in the body’s Chakras. Chakras can be found in the parts of the body where nerve plexuses in the body create gaps or areas where energy can collect. 

The energy often found resulted from whatever you “shoved down”. Stress, tension, anxiety, worry, guilt, depression, sadness, fear, terror, shame, negativity, regret, grief, the list goes on. Each of these emotions and/or thoughts that may accompany them have a certain tone or frequency to them which determines the unique quality of their vibration. Just like the G# tuning forks! 

Reiki practitioners who are very tuned in can sense the subtle difference in vibration and interpret for you what the nature of the energies are that you’re holding onto. Then they assist you in releasing them. 

Just like you know the feeling of “shoving something down”; and likely the resulting stomach ache, acid reflux, restless sleep, headache, or worsening symptoms and even disease; during a Reiki session you will discover the feeling of the precise opposite- calm stomach, gentle feelings in the abdomen, an openness in the chest area, rejuvenative sleep, a feeling of ease and lightness in the heart and mind.

My purpose as a Reiki Practitioner is to help you do the opposite of “shoving it down”.

The Reiki session brings a feeling of being lighter, less burdened, relaxed and calm. It also serves to prevent ailments or even disease. By releasing these blocked energies we gain relief from feelings of stress and overwhelm, sleeplessness, anxiety, negative thought patterns and more. Left unattended, blocked energies increase the feelings of stress and overwhelm, resulting in a myriad of difficulties as sleeplessness becomes insomnia, anxiety gives way to acid reflux and other digestive issues, negative thought patterns foster deeper mental health issues, and more. 

I invite you to try the simple and peaceful experience of releasing blocked energies through Reiki. You may find that it opens a doorway to gaining ease and calm throughout your each and every day - and ultimately greatly improved health and wellness!


The Tower’s gift: Erin Gilbert’s ascension to Reiki