HeartMath Mentorship

HeartMath® Mentorship

HeartMath Mentorship teaches individuals how to Build Personal Resilience™ through a science-based program that helps you access the power and intelligence of the heart

heartmath certified mentor life coaching relief from blocks anxiety depression feeling stuck

✻ You will learn practices that support you in unfolding your higher potentials and rise above daily stress from a place of empowerment and self-security. Watch this short video for more.

✻ This course is a blended learning-style format that includes four hours of coaching 

Learn from a Certified Mentor, licensed to share the HeartMath techniques and technology to help their clients reduce stress, anxiety and help them resolve day-to-day stressors by creating coherence between the variability of the heart rate, their autonomic nervous system, and brain wave patterns.

Routine practice of the HeartMath techniques help clients establish a new baseline for habits and thought patterns by shifting the physiology of hormone production and nervous system set-points, ultimately creating new neural pathways.

Taught over Zoom

In-person sessions available (in Madison, WI)


Mediumship Readings


HeartMath® Small Group Sessions