Mediumship Readings

Mediumship Readings

Connect with loved ones & higher guidance through an open channel with a lifetime of experience. Readings are founded in Evidential Mediumship, meaning you’ll gain information there’d be no other way of knowing.

Mediumship Reading by a Certified Evidential & Intuitive Medium

Distance-Reiki sessions held by telephone or Zoom

In-person sessions available (in Madison, WI)

Individual or Group Readings from a Psychic Medium holding over 6,500 hours of professional practice

psychic medium channeling guidance messages from loved ones reaching across the veil

✻ Gain connection with loved ones from a very loving & connected Medium who brings a great deal of integrity to the work

✻ One-on-One readings are treated as a very vulnerable & tender experience

✻ Group readings tend to be a more dynamic experience which are also treated with great care

✻ I’ve helped clients connect with loved ones beyond the veil & also the higher selves of children, pets, aging family members, & missing or estranged persons


Reiki Classes


HeartMath® Mentorship