The Power of Good Food & Essential Oils for Chakra Health

Most of us know by now that we feel best when we raise our energetic vibrational level. A great example of the effects our vibration has on us is to reflect on a time you felt really stressed - did it seem darker somehow? And heavier? That’s because stress and anxiety are low vibrational feelings. They have the power to literally weigh us down. 

Now think about a time you felt giggly or joyful. You probably also felt light and calm! That’s because you were in a higher vibrational emotion like happiness. 

The surest path to feeling good is to embrace high vibrations in emotion, activity, and in lifestyle choices like what you eat, drink or support any ailments you may have.

My most successful clients say this life hack is one of their faves: Observe how you feel when you eat bread and pastries or chemical sweeteners like Splenda. Are you sluggish and even depressed? Is your anxiety wrecking havoc with your mind? Are you frustrated, angry, or even scared? 

Now observe how you feel when you eat Green Leafy Vegetables, fresh berries, sprouts, fresh herbs, spices, beans & legumes, nuts & seeds or anything fermented. These are high vibration foods and consuming them regularly while eliminating those low vibration foods made from refined white flour and chemical processes will improve your mental health! 

A more direct and immediate route to raising your vibration is to incorporate gentle use of pure & potent essential oils into your daily practice. Whether you’re employing Peppermint oil to soothe tension or calming Lavender to bring peace and calm, you’ll be lifting the vibration you resonate at which not only helps you feel good but attracts higher vibrational abundance into your life. 

Essential oils are known to be toning and foundational. Which means that moderate use throughout each day offers a very stabilizing experience. It creates a platform to build on when introducing other high vibrational activities like Reiki healings, exercise and loving connections.

Pro tip: Rose Oil has the highest vibrational frequency of all the oils! 

REiCOVERY is proud to have partnered with RawFire Living Essential Oils. If you’d like more information drop it in the comments and my friend Aimee Biondolillo will be at your service!

Aimee’s blogpost on her site:


How to Be Content Wherever You Are


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