Vertical Development

Many of us seekers are like bumblebees - flitting from flower to flower, seeking fuel for our spiritual development. Seeking a higher spirituality. Likely, what we’re really seeking is relief from suffering, and hope for gaining what we desire. But it’s not a higher spirituality if it’s not changing you.

I did this for a long time. I looked everywhere outside myself for resources to help me find some peace. To support my awakening. The tipping point for me was learning to develop my intellect by using critical thinking. I learned to observe my thoughts and ask my mind questions about the thoughts I tended to have. I began to guide my mind with my intellect. Ultimately this gave me discipline. The disciplined ACTION of putting into practice what I learned from all the spiritual resources I'd been flitting to. 

We can develop both vertically; up towards higher spiritual planes, or horizontally; adding new information to the level of spiritual concepts we already have a grasp on or access to. If what you truly seek is a higher level of awareness, awakening or enlightenment, you must not only learn but TAKE ACTION to grow. 

Your personal growth is your spiritual development. 

So a great way to increase your development is to take action on the information you already have access to. Stop looking for new information! When we grow in any way there is also a level of maintenance required. We must strike a balance between acquiring new knowledge and putting into practice, ASSIMILATING, the lessons we’ve already learned. 

Take a moment right now and ask yourself - are you watching these teachings each week but not practicing the action steps I offer? Where else in your life might you be searching and seeking but failing to act? 

I thought of this analogy which I hope will make this concept more accessible - imagine that you’re wanting to lose weight so you skim each blog post you see on the topic of weight loss, watch a few minutes of each weight-loss video you come across, join a boot camp and go twice, hire a coach and show up for each session but not do any of the homework they assign. You will gain a modicum of new information and knowledge about diet, physical health, weight loss...but will you experience any results? Probably not. 

I speak with a lot of people who say, “I’ve tried Reiki once, it didn’t really work for me”. “I thought maybe Yoga would be a good fit but I’m just not comfortable in the poses”. “I wonder if acupuncture is what I need…”. I wonder if those same people go to the ER with a broken bone, get the Xray confirming the break and then say, “I tried Xray once, it didn’t really work for me”. 

I always think of Madam Pomfrey in Harry Potter saying, ‘regrowing bones is a nasty business’. Healing a broken bone is a lengthy process requiring more than one session with a practitioner, right? Our inner-work and development requires the same attention and dedication.

The fact of the matter is that if you’re seeking higher levels of spirituality it takes work - commitment and action. If you’re seeking healing and growth, it takes hard work! Discipline, commitment and action. 

I like to say that discipline gives me freedom. For its in the methodical approach to self-care, seeking, and assimilation of new information and techniques that I arise spiritually. And that is the most freedom one can have. 

So try this activity!

  1. Firstly, please do some self-reflection to determine what your goals are. 

  • Perhaps you’re seeking spiritual growth in order to feel more aligned with your own behavior and lifestyle and the intrinsic values you hold. 

  • Maybe you want to finally feel relief from the pain you’ve been carrying. 

  • You may desire the sense of peace, calm, and freedom associated with spiritual growth. 

  • You may seek spiritual development with all these goals in mind! 

Whatever the goals are for you - write them down.

For so very many of us what gets in the way is overthinking, negative thought patterns, anxiety, lethargy. I know full well how very difficult these inhibitors are to overcome. So I offer this practice which helps to address those issues and shift you toward the attainment of the goals you’ve written down.

  1. Each evening, replay your day in your mind. 

  • It’s very important to simply watch it as an instant replay. 

  • Do not dwell on any one thought or event.

  • You’re watching for patterns - not for areas to ruminate on every detail, become self-critical or build resentments against others. 

  • You’re watching to identify your own behaviors. To observe YOUR actions. 

  • Just imagine that someone recorded you going about your day and you’re watching it on super fast-forward. 

  • Watch for the moments in each day that bring you out of alignment with the goals you’ve identified. Perhaps you want to act more lovingly towards others and you notice that everytime you don’t fit in your morning workout you snap at your spouse. 

  • Night after night, you’ll begin to detect patterns in your thoughts and behaviors. 

  • As you carry out this practice you’ll gain power over your thoughts and you’ll identify behaviors that you want to change in order to attain your goals.

If you find yourself stuck on a thought, consider this: We often ruminate when we think we’ve made a major mistake or when something traumatic has happened to us that we feel responsible for. If you start ruminating on a troubling thought, try putting your repetitive thought in perspective. Thinking more about how your troubling thought might not be accurate may help you stop ruminating because you realize the thought makes little sense. 

  1. Once you’ve stopped your rumination in its tracks,  go back to your instant replay.

  • The purpose of this daily discipline is to strengthen the power of your intellect and control the wandering or brooding thoughts of your mind. 

  • It WILL feel uncomfortable at first. You must power through in order to DEVELOP the skill. 

Remember, this is about your growth. Growth feels odd at first, it’s uncomfortable. But with regular practice it becomes enjoyable AND it produces results that make your whole existence more enjoyable. 

We are here to discuss. There are no questions our group here cannot source an answer for, so ask away in the comments!

As always, I’m here for support and care.


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