HeartMath® Group Sessions

HeartMath® Group Sessions

HeartMath Mentorship teaches individuals in small groups how to Build Personal Resilience™ through a science-based program that helps you access the power and intelligence of the heart 

You will learn practices that support you in unfolding your higher potentials and rise above daily stress from a place of empowerment and self-security. Watch this short video for more. 

✻ This course is a blended learning-style format that includes four hours of coaching 

✻ Routine practice of the HeartMath techniques help clients establish a new baseline for habits and thought patterns by shifting the physiology of hormone production and nervous system set-points, ultimately creating new neural pathways

✻ Learn from a Certified Mentor, licensed to share the HeartMath techniques and technology to help their clients reduce stress, anxiety and help them build resilience 

✻ Small group sessions (up to 10 participants) are suitable for families, team-building events, workplace environments, schools, and community-based organizations

✻ Workshops are four hours long & can be held in your facility or in my studio

Taught over Zoom

In-person sessions available (in Madison, WI)


HeartMath® Mentorship