How to Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Heart

How to Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Heart

If you truly look at the foundation of every spiritual teaching you will see they agree that you already have everything you need to be happy, right inside your heart.

Today I want to show you how to access it.

It starts with getting out of your head and into your heart (which is typically the biggest stumbling block for all of us).

HOW do you get out of your head? Initially by simply asking questions. Loftily, this can be called developing witness consciousness. 

Witness consciousness means being consciously aware that we are not the voice talking in our heads, we are the ones witnessing the voice. 

The simplest way to begin investigating this is to repeat after me right now, in your head, “Hello I am here”. Did you hear it? In your head? Just now? Who was the voice saying that? Were YOU the one saying Hello? You couldn’t be, because you were the one asking your head to say Hello. You were the one hearing your head say Hello. You were the witness. 

Are you following me?

So the simplest way to get out of your head begins with this awareness and then a practice of always asking yourself questions. The moment you ask the question, “Who is the one hearing this?” you’ve gotten out of being stuck in your head and shifted your awareness to that of the witness - the observer. 

Here’s a practical example that my friend and I were just discussing this morning. Say you’re convinced your teenager is telling a tall tale. There’s been a precedent set for this with recent lies she’s told - and now your skeptical mind suspects she’s lying again. BUT you also realize there’ve been several times she swore she was telling the truth and you later found out she really was. So you don’t know what to believe...your own mind has played tricks on you but so has your daughter. 

The moment your mind says, “she’s lying, I know it.” Ask yourself, “is it me who knows she’s lying or is it my skeptical mind?” Now you’ve shifted into the role of the witness - you’re witnessing what your mind is making of the situation. Now focus your attention on the area around your heart. The heart is far more powerful than your mind in intuitively knowing the truth about a situation. Does your heart tell you she’s lying? Not sure yet? It takes some practice to learn to read the heart. 

So let’s do this together:

Practice closing and opening your heart chakra.

Focus your awareness on the area around your heart. 

Find an older memory of your daughter lying to you. 

Really sink into feeling what it felt like that time when you had proof that she’d lied. Perhaps the moment she came clean with the lie.  

What did your heart feel like? Some people describe the feeling as closed, heavy, dark, dense, low, sinking. 

Remember that closed heart feeling that came from the confirmed lie.

Now find a happy, joyful, blissful memory of your daughter. Perhaps the first moment she was laid in your arms. What did your heart feel like? Some people describe the feeling as open, light, happy butterflies, doing flips, full, wide. 

Remember that open heart feeling that came from the pure unconditional love for her.

Now practice. 

Practice remembering what it feels like to open your heart. 

Practice remembering what it feels like to close your heart.

Play with this! Open, close. Open, close. Open, close.

Now, from a new place of clarity, return to the situation at hand. 

You were convinced your teenager was telling a tall tale. There had been a precedent set for this with recent lies she’d told - your skeptical mind suspected she was lying again. The moment your mind said, “she’s lying, I know it” you asked yourself, “is it me who knows she’s lying or is it my skeptical mind?” You shifted into the role of the witness - you witnessed what your mind was making of the situation. 

Now focus your attention on the area around your heart. And from your position of being consciously aware that you are not your skeptical mind, you are the one witnessing, ask your heart “I am open to a new perspective. What is the truth here?” Feel the feeling in your heart. Does it feel closed, heavy, dense or open, light, happy butterflies? 

Continue experimenting. Continue asking the questions and create a mantra of saying, “I am open to a new perspective.” It will change you subtly at first and profoundly over time. As with anything, this takes disciplined practice to develop to its fullest but it’s so worth it as eventually you discover the direct line to your intuition and ultimately, your happiness!


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