Reiki Sessions

One-on-one Reiki by a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner & Intuitive Medium holding over 6,500 hours of professional practice.

Distance-Reiki sessions held by telephone

In-person sessions available (in Madison, WI)

A personalized session offering deep therapeutic support founded in the healing tradition of Reiki energy work

Reiki Blended with Mediumship

Release energies from thought patterns, emotions, or life experiences that have become blocked or stored in the body & the Chakras

best reiki in madison

✻ Gain insights into what may be holding you back in life, love, health, or abundance 

✻ Develop and heighten your intuitive senses 

✻ Connect with higher guidance & loved ones beyond the veil

✻ Learn important practices to maintain the sense of peace & ease your Reiki session will bring you

✻ Includes tools & techniques, personalized to you

✻ Free custom-made audio-recorded Reiki meditations are a client favorite

COST: $150 (60 Minute Session)


Multi-Session Discounts