Finding Forgiveness

Finding Forgiveness For Self and Others

Has this ever happened to you? Someone hurts you - deeply - and even years later, the thought of forgiving them seems inconceivable? Well, the fact of the matter is that what we resist, we become. What this means is that as we’re resistant to the idea of setting aside anger or resentment, we actually HOLD the energy of anger and resentment in our space. Since the law of attraction promises that like attracts like, our holding of resentful energies draws more resentment into our experience. Resisting the natural flow of energies can have a snowball effect, where-in energies we hold gather similar energies and grow and grow and grow.  

Forgiveness is really for you - not for the one who hurt you. It doesn’t mean excusing what happened or making up with the person who brought you pain. It means opening to an experience of inner peace for yourself. This has a consequence of allowing the other person to heal, as well, however that’s just a side-effect. The intention behind forgiveness is in allowing for your own happier life, going forward.

If you’re seeking the energy of forgiveness for your own healing, here are some steps to take:

  • Identify the part you played in what caused you pain. Determining the role we played in our own hurtful experience goes a long way towards turning aside anger. 

  • It’s difficult to own our part, especially when we’re holding resentments. 

  • Sending energetic “Hellos” to the person who hurt us offers some sense of freedom from the painful event and opens us to seeing “our part”.
    2. Send energetic “Hellos”. For the sake of healing our own hearts, we can adopt this practice daily for several weeks.

  • In energy work, we utilize a practice of creating and exploding “pictures”.

“Pictures” can be thought of as energetic visualizations we relate to energy fields (or auras).

  • Select a “picture” and hold it in your mind. This can be an image of a flower or a Mountain or anything that feels comfortable when you picture it in your mind.

  • Each day, visualize placing the energy of a polite “Hello” into the picture you’ve chosen.

  • From a meditative state, visualize placing that “picture” just outside the energetic field of the person you’re exploring forgiveness around.

An example would be, Dave hurt me 5 years ago. I’m still upset with him and don’t believe he deserves forgiveness. That said, I’d like relief from feeling anger and upset each time I think about Dave. Therefore, for my own peace of mind, I’ll send an energetic “Hello” in the form of a Daisy, each day for two weeks. I’ll visualize setting the Daisy just outside Dave’s aura. Little by little, I’ll observe that this practice has changed the way I feel when I think of Dave. The act of forgiveness has changed me, for the better.

Hope this is helpful and please connect if you’d like to discuss, explore, investigate, or simply comment!


A Duty to Be Authentic