All Reiki sessions include intuitive guidance & HeartMath® techniques.

In person sessions are held in Madison. Distance Reiki sessions are done by phone.

$150 for a 60 minute session.

Let’s chat!

Free 30 minute telephone consultations are available to any first time client.

No strings attached!

Why a Reiki Subscription? Would you like a weekly "energy tune up" that is affordable? Would you like to introduce your partner or children or parents to Reiki but don't want to invest hundreds of dollars on an experience they're not yet fully appreciative of? Reiki Subscriptions offer you a broadly inclusive and approachable service.

Book now, cancel anytime.

$279 for up to FOUR 45 minute sessions per month.

Have you heard that no problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it?

reiki master practitioner cleansing aura balancing energies
My work is to assist you in reaching higher levels of consciousness by identifying resistances you may hold. What does that mean? Everything is made up of energy, including YOU, your feelings & most everything that’s happened to you. Sometimes energy gets blocked or stored in our body’s energy centers. The easiest way to understand this is to think of a time when you felt very stressed or upset and you “shoved it down”. Do you know that feeling? Well, my purpose as a Reiki Practitioner is to help you do the opposite of “shoving it down”. I not only facilitate the release of what you buried, I teach you how to stop doing that. Blocked energy restricts us from healing and living in a way that feels easy & natural to our authentic selves. Together we’ll find your way through what’s in the way of receiving a sense of ease and abundance!

My Mission Statement

REiCOVERY is a Reiki & coaching service that delivers the healing and growth-promoting qualities of Universal Life Force Energy & heart-focused living in a relatable way to anyone seeking wellness & development. REiCOVERY was founded by a Spiritual Guide and 25+ year mentor; a nurturing mentor who helps clients translate their unique self-expression into contentment & success within the framework of modern culture. REiCOVERY exists to answer the troubled call of those who long for something more through the delivery of what truly heals - discovery and recovery of the true self. REiCOVERY practices allow clients to sync with Universal energy and reclaim who they’re meant to be.

What Clients are Saying

Tiffany M.


My session with Erin cleared a path in my life that I didn't even realize was blocked.  The information that she received during my session was so specific to loved ones who have passed that it couldn't be denied that she was accessing messages they were sending. As a result of my session, her information matched some actions that I felt needed to be taken in order for me to move forward in my life with an open heart. She provided the next step in my healing. I've worked with many talented healers in my life and I would put my session with Erin in the top 5.

Alice T.


“I have been working with Erin for almost a year. We work together once a month. Each month, time with Erin is time I am so grateful for. Erin has helped to me open my heart to the possibilities of all that I am. She guides me with notes she diligently takes during our meets. Erin sends all those detailed notes to me in a Google document that I can study. She also creates meditations specific to my journey. With a gentle heart, peaceful voice and enormous patience, Erin finds the words I need to hear to keep me on my soul searching journey. I will continue to work with Erin as we keep chipping away at the fears, doubts and my own impatience to find the peace I am looking for within myself.

Thank you Erin, for being a beautiful, loving soul and sharing so much time with me.”

Carrie R.


“I've had two sessions with Erin, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. She is thoughtful, intuitive, and unbelievably good at what she does. She knew things about my Grandmother's life that I didn't even know, but I was able to later confirm with my mother that they were true. She received messages from her guides as well as mine and passed them along to me with love and compassion. She helped me come to peace with some past family issues and allowed me to understand what happened with a new, healing perspective. She has also worked with my 11-year old daughter to help her work through her anxiety surrounding bedtime and sleeping, and helped me understand what's happening energetically with my daughter so I know how to better support her. Erin's work has been a tremendous blessing to me and my family.”

My experience working with Erin over time has been exceptional on multiple levels. First, Erin's offering is highly integrative. Her sessions include traditional Reiki healing work from a highly sensitive and intuitive second generation Reiki practitioner. Secondly, they also offer an opportunity to openly dialogue with Erin about what she is discovering and what she is facilitating in terms of the healing work she is doing, together with opportunities to share more about your own experience of the healing occuring. This interactive process has helped me to cultivate a much more finely tuned awareness of the shift in subtle energy within my body as well as created an opportunity for Erin to offer me feedback, in real-time on the healing I am initiating through intention, breath or visualization. This dynamic interaction creates synergistic healing that is significantly greater than our individual work alone. Third, as a highly experienced practitioner, I have also been heartened by Erin's high level of trust in Reiki’s healing potential and the messages she receives through the movement of this energy. Lastly, Erin shares a range of practical meditations, releasing methods and suggestions for at-home care and practices that evolve and change based on the particular work we are doing in any one week. Over the last 25+ years, I have been fortunate to receive bodywork and healing modalities from a range of skilled practitioners and Erin is one of those rare practitioners, serving at a mastery level.

Scott A.

Business Owner

Cristina B.


“Characteristically Erin is naturally empathic. You can often find Erin working as Reiki healer, volunteering to help at risk children, or engaging in some creative project to make gifts for others. In all of these roles she uses her creative intuition and empathic connection with others as a guide. Over the years that I have known Erin she has sacrificed time and energy to helping others. I’ve noticed she has a way of naturally meeting people where they are at. She easily builds trust and rapport because her warm heart and loving energy shine through in all her relationships. In my experience as a clinician I have found this quality is the very foundation of any good therapeutic relationship, and is a key factor in the making of a good healer.”

“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it”

-Dr. Wayne Dyer